Values focus: Perseverance/Manawanui - we keep trying and do our best!
Cultural Competency focus: Mahi Tahi - working together to achieve a goal.
Monday - Rahina
-A big welcome to Ruby and her family to Tokomaru School - enjoy your school days!
-Kapa Haka practice at lunchtime.
-Conservation Week on this week.
-Come in and have your say - nominate your favourite outdoor musical instrument set. Check your email for the online form if you can't get into school
Tuesday - Ratu
-Lockdown drill from 9.30am.
-Boys in Netball.
Wednesday - Raapa
-Library Day - return your books and issue some more today!
-Technology for Year 7/8 students - bus leaving at 11am.
-Home & School Meeting from 3.15pm - all welcome
-Senior Camp Movie Night Fundraiser from 5.30pm - dress comfy in your PJs or Oodie and don’t forget to bring a pillow for ultimate movie-watching comfort!
Thursday - Rapare
-Pasifika Projects this afternoon.
-HPV vaccinations (round 2) - Year 7/8 students.
Friday - Ramere
-School Assembly from 2.15pm hosted by Room 5.
-EPIC Music Lessons for registered children.
-Variety morning tea for those who have pre-ordered.
-Reading Around the Rooms & Buddy Reading.
Saturday/Sunday - Rāhoroi/Rātapu
-The Amazing Dinosaur Discovery from 11am at Railway Land.
Learning from Home – MOE Site
Fun wellbeing activities to support whānau to look after their wellbeing and feel good. Sparklers
Whanau Activities from SPARKLERS
Free Digital Video Story from Lioncrest Publishing- Feel Brave video ‘The Wolf Was Not Sleeping’ Front line worker anxiety for children. This beautiful book is read by Author of The Feel Brave Series of Books, Avril McDonald.
Te Ao Maori Breathing Exercises – Hikitia Te Hā.
Focusing on our breathing is a very helpful and basic practice for becoming more mindful – and this is extremely relevant to our overall wellbeing right now.
Epic! – A digital reading platform for kids 12 and under. It has 40,000 books, audiobooks, learning videos, quizzes, more. Both English and Spanish books available.” All parents can get a free 30-day trial.
All Right Tools - This is a great website from the makers of Sparklers and has a whole host of wellbeing ides!
Further Ideas–
While your child is unable to be at school, here are a few ideas of things they can do at home to continue their learning.....
Practice some mathematics on Maths Buddy or Mathletics. Your child should know their login details, but if they don’t, please email your child’s teacher.
Keep a Daily Diary; write a story and draw a picture, make a list of things you have done (or want to do) while you are at home, have a go at one of the story starters below, email your teacher or your friends.…. the possibilities are endless!
Story Starters:
“If I was Principal I would…”
“If I could travel to school any way I wanted, it would be by….”
“When I grow up I want to be a…”
Have a go at something new for Writing. Once upon a picture– has cool writing prompts with questions (this has collections to select such as: inference, non-fiction, character)
Have a go at Handwriting. You could practise writing your first, middle and last name, the whole alphabet, and this sentence, “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” As it uses all of the letters of the alphabet (parents, can you please help with correct letter formation for the younger ones). Try writing in cursive or use a fancy calligraphy pen.
Read the books in your Holiday Reading Bag if you have one, and enjoy the Library Books you currently have out, or read from your bookshelf at home. Write a book review or do an illustration of your favourite story (if you are a senior student this could be a digital book trailer– check our Brian Falkner’s website for ideas ). Make sure you continue filling in your Home Reading Diary or Reading Log too! If you haven’t taken it home, create a new reading log on an empty page or on a scrap piece of paper.
Read current events for kids at DogoNews
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